Friday, January 31, 2020
Road Accidents Essay Example for Free
Road Accidents Essay Road accidents are increasing every day and especially in Christmas, summer holidays or weekends. Lots of people lose their lives on the roads and it is very difficult to resolve this problem which affects almost to the whole world. Not only the people can die, they can be injury and don? t get to recover of their wounds in all their lives. There are several causes of road accidents and I ´m going to mention some of them that I think they are the main causes: don’t respect the speed limit, drive drunk, drive many hours without rest, don’t put attention at the road, don’t be patient, bad conditions of roads, bad weather (snow, flog, rain,†¦), and there are more but I think that these are the most important. Firstly if we want to solve this problem, we have to realize that to drive is not a play. We manage a machine very dangerous that it could kill anybody and there laws that we have to carry out. Everybody like to buy a big car that it can run a high speed but we have to realize that we must respect the speed limits because the fact that we have a good car don’t give us the right to drive at the speed that we would like to drive. Not only we have to drive well when we getting the drive license also after we have just got the license driving. The Government must improve the roads, the fines must be higher because I think that it is the unique way the people respect the laws and parents and teachers must to teach and encourage to their children how they will have to drive when they have a car. Nowadays there are a lot of improvements that they make driving safer than ten years ago. Cars are safer because they have many devices that they help us to drive and in case of accident they look after our lives. Ten years ago only the most expensive cars have airbags, nowadays all cars not only have one airbag rather they have four or more airbags. Car? s breaks are so good that you can stop your car almost in the same distance in a wet road than in a dry road. The cars are safer now than years ago but now there are much more cars and the possibility of accident is higher. Also it would be important to put more crash barriers on the roads to avoid much harms when the motorcyclist fall down on the roads. The roads have improved a lot but I think that it is not enough. It? s true that there are more highways but there are a lot of secondary roads that they need to improve because the majority of drivers in my country, use every day these kinds of roads. Finally I want to mention that it is in our hands to reduce the roads accidents and it is very sad to lose any relative or friend because somebody doesn’t respect the laws.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Person Centered Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Post Traum
Carl Roger’s believed that everyone is inherently good. Therefore, even the vilest of people would be included. Some disputes have been made among behavior theorists that because the theory lacks structure, it is not as effective in treating illness. However, it is one of the main theories utilized by therapists today. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is another popular theory that is used. It emphasizes the present and fixing cognitive distortions that clients may have. However, it too received some arguments against it, such as; treating symptoms and not the underlying cause of an illness. The theories that will be discussed are Carl Roger’s theory of Person Centered Therapy, Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and how they would treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In Person Centered therapy, the therapist establishes a solid therapeutic alliance with the client. â€Å"The therapeutic alliance is a more encompassing term for therapy that emphasizes the collaborative nature of the partnership between counselor and client. This partnership incorporates client preferences and goals into treatment and outlines methods for accomplishing those goals. The therapeutic alliance is an alliance based on listening to the client without being judgmental or giving unwarranted advice.†Individuals are working toward self actualization. They also look for ways to improve experiences. Individuals try hard to reach an optimal sense of satisfaction. This eventually leads them to become fully functioning. After the individual is fully functioning they are able to trust their own feelings and experience a better life (Rogers, 1961). Rogers found that very few become fully functioning. To cope with this they create defense mechanisms.... ...Capsule. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). 14 Mar. 2008. National Institute of Mental Health. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder : Signs and Symptoms. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 15 Mar. 2008. National Institute of Mental Health. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder : Treatment. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 15 Mar. 2008. Wikipedia. â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.†Wikimedia Foundation. 15Mar. 2008.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Pediatric Acute Otitismedia Aom Health And Social Care Essay
Pediatric ague otitismedia ( AOM ) is a prevailing medical status that affects many persons. This status is treated by prescription antibiotics, which have contributedto the addition in antibiotic immune bacterium. There has been some grounds to demo that antibiotic intervention is non ever necessary for the declaration of symptoms and the remedy of the status. We propose to find the effectivity of 10-day Amoxil versus placebo in intervention of AOM. The survey design will be a randomised, dual blind, placebo controlled clinical test at paediatric and otolaryngology patterns in the Greater Philadelphia country. A sum of 400 Children between the ages of 6 months and 7 old ages will be recruited for this test. 200 participants will have antibiotic intervention, the other 200 will have placebo. The test will besides specifically evaluate intervention result in vulnerable populations, in this instance, kids less than 2 old ages of age.Specific AimsAcute otitis media is one of the most fr equent unwellnesss of early babyhood and childhood, therefore one of the most common grounds for kids to see a doctor. ( Sarrell, et al.2003 ) . A In the United States, 93 % of all kids have had at least one episode of AOM by age seven. ( Sarrell, et al.2003 ) . Antibiotics are presently the intervention of pick for AOM in about all states. A In malice of this standard intervention, grounds of their effectivity remains limited in footings of clinical betterment ( Damoiseaux, et Al. 2000 ) . In fact, several surveies have demonstrated that AOM in kids can be managed without antibiotics ( Siegel, et Al. 2003 ) . Furthermore, in past research, there have been disagreements among decisions about the effectivity of intervention with antibiotics for different age groups. A One survey stated that there was no difference between interventions in kids under the age of two compared to kids under the age of six ( LeSaux, et Al. 2005 ) . A Another survey showed age was an of import determiner o f antibiotic effectivity ( Cohen et al. , 1998 ) . These tests have found a 10-day class of Amoxil was more effectual in the intervention of kids less than two old ages of age compared to kids two old ages and older ( Cohen, et Al. 1998 ) . A Aside from incompatibilities sing optimum age for intervention, the literature is missing in surveies comparing antibiotic interventions with placebo for AOM ( McCormick, et Al. 2010 ) . The end of this survey is to turn to the deficiency of grounds sing the efficaciousness of antibiotics for intervention of AOM and the incompatibilities in literature environing the issue of optimum age for intervention. A We propose to carry on a randomized controlled test comparing the effectivity of Amoxil usage for 10 yearss compared to placebo for intervention of AOM in kids between the ages of six months and six old ages. A The undermentioned research inquiries will be addressed: 1 ) What are the differences in intervention results of aten twenty-four hours class of Amoxil compared to placebo in kids with AOM between six months and six old ages of age? A To turn to this, the PCP will prove kids at twenty-four hours two, five, and 10 of the antibiotic or placebo intervention class utilizing the standardised diagnosing tools oftympanometry and otoscopic observationA Hypothesis 1: Both the Amoxil arm and the placebo arm will bring forth the same consequences at the completion of the 10 twenty-four hours intervention period. The differences between results will be undistinguished. 2 ) What are the differences in attach toing symptoms ( febrility and hurting ) in kids utilizing antibiotics versus those utilizing placebo intervention? A This will be addressed by giving the parents journals in which they must enter the kid ‘s temperature ( A.M. and P.M. measurings ) and the disposal of anodynes throughout the twenty-four hours. A The journal will besides incorporate the FLACC hurting graduated table which is to be used before the kid goes to bed. 3 ) Do younger kids respond otherwise to antibiotics intervention than older kids? To turn to this inquiry we will statistically prove for an age class ( six months-two old ages vs. two-six old ages ) by intervention group interaction consequence. It is our long-run end to get a criterion of diagnosing for AOM research. intervention, and outcomes that will let for farther, more specific surveies in the attention for AOM.BackgroundAccuteOtitis Media ( AOM ) , otherwise known as the common otalgia, is a cardinal subscriber to pediatric health care loads and the most common ground for kids to see a doctor. The standard intervention of attention is a class of antibiotics, therefore doing AOM a outstanding subscriber to antibiotic immune bacteriums ( O'Neil ) . The in-between ear is connected to the nasopharynx by the Eustachian tubing. One of the maps of the Eustachian tubing is to run out the secernments of the interior ear into the nasopharynx ( Maxson,1996 ) . When the Eustachian tubing becomes compromised, accretion of in-between ear fluid creates an ideal environment for bacteriums growing ( Maxon, 1996 ) . As a consequence, kids suffer through the colonisation and reproduction of bacteriums, doing much hurting and annoyance. The most outstanding causative bacteriums lending to AOM are: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemopheliusinfluenzae, and Moraxellacatarrhalis ( Gould & A ; Marx, 2010 ) . Therefore, the current criterion of intervention for AOM is through antibiotic therapy ( Cohen ) . In the United States entirely, 93 % of all kids see a instance of AOM by age 3 ( Sarrel et al. , 2003 ) . This per centum does non account for reoccurring instances. The complete use of antibiotics in intervention of AOM has greatly contributed to the addition in the sum of anti-biotic immune bacteriums ( Grevers,2010 ) . The addition in antibiotic opposition has put kids at intensified hazards because there is a possibility that farther intervention with antibiotics will non bring forth a healed result ( Grevers,2010 ) . A A A A A A Otitis media is one of the most frequent diseases of early babyhood and childhood and one of the most common grounds for kids to see a doctor. A AOM is the most normally treated bacterial infection in kids ( Siegel et al.,2010 ) A Siegel references that several probes show that there is small benefit to utilizing antibiotics in most kids with AOM. A Despite ample research ( eg.McCormick et al.,2005 ; Damoieseaux et al 2000 ; Le Saux et al. , 2005 ) attending on the intervention effectivity and results of antibiotics is missing standardisation. A Though there are many research articles on the topic of Pediatric AOM, the literature fails in its consistence. A In being is an array of clinical tests that investigate different fluctuations of antibiotic use ( eg. Leach et al.,2008 ; Sarrell et al. , 2003 ; Roark & A ; Berman, 1997 ) but deficiency of survey reproduction has failed to verify the information gathered in the surveies. A Regardless, intervention of this infection accounts for & gt ; 50 % of paediatric antibiotic prescriptions and every bit much as $ 5 billion yearly in costs ( Siegel et al.,2003 ) . A Pediatric AOM affects such a legion population, that it is merely good to society of farther look into the effectivity of antibiotic usage in AOM. A A A A A A A Confounding information in the presented literature of Pediatric AOM has made it hard to sum up research in the most good and effectual intervention. A bulk of the literature compares antibiotic use to either a placebo or alternate therapy.A A part of this literature considers immediate antibiotic use versus placebo ( a representation of â€Å" alert waiting †) ( eg.A Damoiseaux et Al. 2000 ; Siegel et Al, .2003 ; McCormick et al. , 2005 ; LeSaux et al.,2005 ) . A Other tests are presented with the focal point of high dosage antibiotic usage versus low dose antibiotic usage ( eg.Roark & A ; Berman, 1997 ) and alternate intervention use ( such as naturopathic intervention of AOM with Naturopathic Herbal Extract Ear Drops ) ( Sarrell et al.,2003 ) .A A Our literature hunt besides presented tests that investigated the differences in intervention result between different ages ( eg.Cohen et al.,1998 ; Leach et al.,2008 ) A A A A A A A A A A A Even with an array of published literature on paediatric AOM, there is a deficiency of standardisation in antibiotic dose for this medical problem.A A A Through our literature hunt, we have found that different surveies use different doses as the â€Å" current criterion of attention †.A In a aggregation of surveies, the criterion of intervention was given at assortment of doses which included: 40mg/kg/day, 50mg/kg/day, 60 mg/kg/day, 80 mg/kg/day, 90mg/kg/day ( Damoiseaux et al.,2000 ; Cohen et al.,1998 ; LeSaux et al.,2005 ; Leach et al.,2008, McCormick et al.,2005 ) .A A This makes it highly hard to compare the effectivity of intervention result between multiple surveies. A A A A A Our proposed research aims to look into and specify the difference in intervention result between antibiotic usage and no intervention in paediatric AOM. A Recently, there has been turning concern over prescription antibiotics and opposition of common bacteriums to antibiotics ( Siegal et al. , 2003 ) . A Block et al. , demonstrated that the pnuemococcal isolates from in-between ear fluids were 16 % comparatively immune and 15 % extremely immune to penicillin in kids who antecedently had AOM ( 1995 ) . A The literature is missing in research that investigates the long-run effects of early paediatric antibiotic usage. A It would be good to the paediatric population to restrict the sum of antibiotics administered in order to forestall the addition in the figure of antibiotic immune bacteriums. A A Literature Specific to Antibiotic Use There is more than one current theory for the intervention of AOM.A The first theory provinces that there is a difference between the doses of Amoxil prescribed to kids with AOM.A The high versus low dose intervention suggests that low dose intervention is merely every bit effectual as high dosage intervention ( Roark et al. , 1997 ) .A A The following theory for the best intervention of AOM is antibiotic intervention versus no intervention or placebo.A The research shows that there is more than one scheme in the attack to this theory.A The SNAP ( Safety Net Antibiotic Prescription ) attack is based on a compulsory 2 twenty-four hours waiting period before intervention ( either antibiotics or placebo ) ( Siegal et al. , 2003 ) .A The other attack is a standard antibiotic intervention versus placebo ( Le Saux et al. , 2005 ; McCormick et al. , 2005 ) .A Most research indicates that there is no difference between placebo and antibiotics ( Le Saux et al. , 2005 ; McCormick et al. , 2005 ; Siegal et al. , 2003 ) .A The concluding theory is based on the bad population, which is correlated to age.A There is a consensus that antibiotic intervention is more effectual in bad populations, largely patients under the age of two old ages old ( Cohen et al. , 1998 ; Leach et al. , 2008 ) . A Our hypothesis will try to clear up the disagreements between the current theories in order to develop a standard intervention for AOM.A The survey will include variables that deal with age, antibiotics, and placebo in order to happen a standard treatment.ATheoretical ModelMost medical intervention for paediatric AOM is given as antibiotics. LeSaux ‘s survey further explains how antibiotic therapy is debated by comparing it to watchful waiting and detecting the declaration of AOM symptoms.Watchful waiting may set kids with AOM at addition hazard for major complications, particularly for kids under 2 old ages of age ( Damoiseaux et al, 2000 ) . However, LeSaux and Damoiseaux agree t hat abuse or overexploitation of antibiotics may take to antibiotic immune bacteriums. On the other manus, their research surveies raise inquiries because of their little sample size usage to understand how Amoxil and placebo affect kids with AOM. The usage of antibiotics besides involves an fiscal position therefore, in our survey we hope to happen a standard intervention of attention in our survey. LeSaux and Damoiseaux besides discuss how their research can assist extinguish prejudices by including elaborate descriptions of their topics, applied individual clinical definition and minimized different result of the survey ( 2005,2000 ) . A A Antibiotic therapy is widely used by doctors across the universe to handle AOM, but research lacks to efficaciously mensurate reoccurrence AOM. Therefore, this federal grant will assist distinguish the antibiotic therapy attack by discoursing their disadvantages and extinguishing prejudice from old research. Alternatively of concentrating on narrow age scope and individual dose of Amoxil, we will concentrate on the differences of intervention result between kids above and under the age of 2 old ages. Finally, the primary informations gathered through the grant will lend to the standardisation of intervention for attention of AOM for different age groups. It is possible for future research to develop alternate hypothesis based on the consequences that are to be found through this clinical test. Future research will be able to spread out the theory of â€Å" alert waiting †in many age groups and prove the â€Å" standard intervention of attention †from this survey. It is our hope from the information obtained from this survey to better the intervention procedure for AOM by placing the most efficient intervention sing factors that include short-run and long-run effects, antibiotic opposition and socio-economic well being.MethodsSubject Selection & A ; Diagnostic Procedure Childs who are diagnosed with AOM in between the ages of 6 months to 7 old ages will be eligible to take part in this randomised test. The kids were determined to hold AOM by 2 processs: 1 ) tympanometry 2 ) otoscopicexamination. The undermentioned exclusion standards will be applied: Child could hold undergone antibiotic intervention during the old four hebdomads, allergic reaction to amoxicillin, compromised unsusceptibility, craniofacial defects, the tympanic membrane is non integral, and another instance of AOM within the old three months. Study Procedure If the kid met the inclusion standards, the PCP will exhaustively depict the survey process to the patient ‘s parent or defender. A At that clip the PCP will besides obtain written informed consent from the parent. A A After informed consent is assented by the parent, they will have a package with a questionnaire sing general patient information ( see appendix a ) . A The package will besides include a digital thermometer ( Lumiscope 2210-214 Quick-Read Digital Thermometer ) for which the parent must mensurate the patient ‘s organic structure temperature twice daily, one reading in the forenoon and one at dark. The temperature values will be recorded in the journal that is included in the package. A The diary entries ( see appendix B ) will incorporate a subdivision to enter organic structure temperature values, a subdivision to enter analgetic disposal, a subdivision to enter hurting degrees in the eventide, and a subdivision to notice in an open-ended mode on any import ant symptoms associated with AOM. A A TheA 10-dayA trialA ofA amoxicillinA orA placebo will be administered and started on twenty-four hours of diagnosing. A The parents are expected to maintain an adequate and up to day of the month journal of the kid ‘s intervention class. A Follow up visits will be required on yearss two, five, and 10 of the test with the kid ‘s well-thought-of PCP. A A The PCP will measure the same measurings taken at the baseline visit ( tympanometry and otoscopic observation ) . A The household will be rewarded $ 20, $ 30, and $ 50 for each follow up visit, severally. A On the 10th twenty-four hours of the test at the follow up visit, the journal will be collected and the parents will be asked to make full out a intervention class contemplation ( appendix degree Celsius ) . A Parents or guardiansA can reach the survey central office or their referred PCP office anytime with inquiries sing the survey or to describe any terrible inauspicious event ( s ) , such as concern, febrility, sickn ess, hurting, or any other types of status. A On twenty-four hours 10, they will turn in the package including the parent journal to the PCP. Data Collection Instruments In the diagnostic and follow up stage of this test, tympanometry and otoscopic rating will be used to corroborate the presence of AOM and to follow its patterned advance through out the intervention class. Otoscopic rating will attach to tympanometry in the diagnostic processeand follow up steps. Otoscopic scrutiny will be the first measure in the diagnosing procedure. The scrutiny allows the PCP to visually corroborate the presence of AOM. The PCP will be looking for purulent in-between ear gush. In order to corroborate AOM quanitavelytympanogram steps will be used. Tympanometry is the noninvasive procedure of mensurating the comparative air force per unit area of the in-between ear. It is able to mensurate the squeezability of the air in the in-between ear ( Johansen ) . If the squeezability is minimum, it is assumed that the in-between ear pit is filled with fluid. Babies and little kids can present as a challenge when seeking to accurtely name due to rapid motions and shouting. D espite this, Palmu identifies the cogency of utilizing the tympanometry trial through his survey that showed that tympanometric measuring was successful in 94 % of babies that were tested ( 1999 ) . The parent journals will incorporate the FLACC ( Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consulibility ) ( Appendix C ) pain scale to be filled out day-to-day before anodynes are administered. FLACC is an experimental tool to quantify hurting. Each of the 5 symptoms is graded on a graduated table of 0-2, with a entire possible mark runing from 0-10. Manworren ‘s survey confirmed that the FLACC hurting graduated table is appropriate for mensurating preverbal kids in hurting from diseases ( 2003 ) . Voepel ‘s survey confirmed the cogency of the FLACC hurting graduated table by demoing distinguishable differences mark differences in pre/post analgetic disposal. The survey besides showed first-class dependability through exact understanding and kappa statistics ( 2010 ) . Data Management At the initial visit and all following visits to the physician ‘s office, an employee will come in the patient information into the on-line database. The information from the parent journals will all be transferred into the on-line database after entry at the terminal of the test. All informations entered into the on-line database will merely be accessible to those who have a user login and watchword to the plan. All informations that is handled by the PCP or our research squad will be kept confidential. It is to the parent ‘s arrested development to find how confidential they will maintain the journals during the intervention class.Statistical AnalysisIn order to analyse our information we will utilize the PSAW statistical plan, version 18.A This is the most up to day of the month version of the former SPSS program.A This plan includes the statistical trials that are relevant to our analysis. A A To measure the information we will utilize a qi square trial with a logisti c regression.A The qi square trial is an appropriate trial because the information that will be used is at the nominal degree, which is nonparametric.A Besides, our informations is reciprocally sole, in that each patient will be assigned to merely one group. We will measure with a 2Ãâ€"2 eventuality tabular array, comparing treated and non treated to antibiotic intervention and placebo with a 95 % assurance interval.A The logistic arrested development will be used to find if the age of the patient will impact the result of the treatment.A It will demo the most likely anticipation of a group.A This will unclutter up any disagreement if placebo or antibiotics are the best intervention option between patients less 30 months of age and 30-72 months.A AResearch TimelineThis survey does non hold a definite length due to our end to widen the survey until 400 survey participants are involved in the test. We will end the test at 5 old ages irrespective of the achieved participant survey pop ulation. In order to maintain standardisation amongst take parting PCP ‘s, we will keep quarterly visits to verify that the PCPs are following protocol. Once an person is enrolled in this survey ; it will necessitate 10 yearss of engagement. The participant will get down the intervention on twenty-four hours of registration and diagnosing. On the 2nd, 5th, and 10th twenty-four hours of the test, the participants must describe for a cheque in. If the participant suffers from any inauspicious events after the completion of the test, we encourage the parent to describe them.DecisionAfter the completion of the research survey we will anticipate to happen no important difference between antibiotic and placebo intervention of AOM.A These findings will lend to regenerating intervention criterions for the AOM. By extinguishing the demand of antibiotics in certain populations, it will assist to diminish the turning figure of antibiotic resistantbacteria. These findings will besides ext inguish some health care costs by eliminating the demand to buy antibiotics.A These findings will assist specify a criterion of pattern for doctors and other attention suppliers which will lend to the well-being of society.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The True Meaning Of Beauty - 1945 Words
The True Meaning of Beauty Imagine this. Walking down the street and seeing duplicates of the same facial features. The same hair, eyes, nose, color of skin, lips, shape of their face, shape of their bodies, all trying to look the same. All of these women trying to have the same look. All women trying to look like the â€Å"ideal western woman†Imagine every race trying to get rid of their features to make themselves look like the ideal Caucasian women. Spending an incredible amount of money going through crazy procedures that are extremely expensive. The media impacts woman to believe that the â€Å"western image†is the look. Implanting a certain idea in their head and once it is in our minds, there is no way of getting it out. Media makes us feel like we are never good enough with the way we look. Having that thought in their head, women go through body procedures as well as plastic surgery to change the way they look. Western Countries are influencing Asian woman across the globe to rely on p lastic surgery and cosmetic products to change their appearance causing woman around the world to conform to the Caucasian ideal look. Before globalization, woman would only conform to the ideal look in their cultural norms. Now, there is one image that all types of woman are becoming to want to conform too. A foreign women new goal is to have light hair, light colored eyes, small narrow nose, full lips, certain shaped face and light skin tone. In other words, they are trying to be a typicalShow MoreRelatedThe Six Names Of Beauty1256 Words  | 6 PagesNames of Beauty, Crispin Sartwell describes beauty in the simplest of terms, â€Å"beauty is the object of longing†(3). 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