Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Do cultural differences influence HRM practices Essay
Do cultural differences influence HRM practices - Essay Example The same extends to the human resource management practices as they were presumed free from external factors and constraints. Earlier research had revolved around one geographical area leaving many gaps in case an organisation went globally. This brought the need for extensive research, which indeed proved that cultural difference influenced human resource practices (Moran, Harris and Moran, 2011). Adapting an organisation’s customary ways of operation is crucial when setting up new institutions in different environments, as it enables the transfer of efficiency and rules into another geographical position. It is also vital to observe the cultural practices carried out in the new place of establishment. With the world increasingly moving towards being a global village, expansion of businesses across borders has been prioritised to ensure maximum profits. They have also realised that the human resource management practices have to be adapted in the cultural settings suitable to the relevant socio-cultural environments rather than imposing their own (Muratbekova-Touron, 2008). What are these cultural practices and how do they influence human resource management practices? Cultural practices are notions, values and premises in a society, established through conditioning throughout people’s lives and help to mark them out from others in a different society (Milikic, 2009). These notions and beliefs play a key role in an individual’s life; therefore, an organisation should be keen on ensuring that they are not overstepped. With the introduction of new members in a group, a culture may undergo some alterations, but some invisible and unconscious components that lie within may not change. Cultural practices differ from one society to another as human resource management practices differ from one organisation to the other (Muratbekova-Touron, 2008). Human resource management practices are described as the activities and decisions, which relate to t he act of managing employees at all tiers in the business enterprise. They are also concerned with the elaborate execution of strategies and schemes aimed towards achieving and maintaining a competitive advantage (Stone and Romero, 2008). As a result, it is essential for organisations to formulate a culture that promotes of appropriate work practices. A few of the human resource management practices include, remuneration systems, recruitment exercises, staff-appraisal systems, and work flexibility arrangements among others (Milikic, 2009). Employees perceive human resource management practices differently due to the separate cultural values and identities. Some employees react differently towards certain practices and the degree to which they commit to their jobs and the organisation relies on the familiarity with the ongoing activities. The training and recruitment of people with diverse cultural interests, backgrounds and nationalities, would be a difficult task especially when lo oking into their cultural differences. However, studies have led to discovery of theories that enable easier analysis (Stone and Romero, 2008). Managers are likely to encounter cultural differences that might hinder effective management frequently, especially in this multicultural worldwide business environment. Studies indicate that successful comparisons between different cultures can be made by testing Hofstede’
Monday, October 28, 2019
Empowering and delegating Essay Example for Free
Empowering and delegating Essay Delegation is the method of giving decision-making authority to lower-level employees. For the process to be successful, a worker must be able to obtain the resources and cooperation needed for successful completion of the delegated task. Empowerment of the workforce and task delegation is closely interrelated. Empowerment occurs when upper-level employees share power with lower-level employees. This involves providing the training, tools and management support that employees need to accomplish a task. Thus, the employee has both the authority and the means to accomplish the work. Even though authority can be delegated, responsibility cannot; the person who delegates a task is held responsible for its success in the end. Thus the assigned worker is liable for meeting the goals and objectives of the assignment (Camp 2006). Using successful delegation benefits management and subordinates within the organization. Possibly the most significant advantage for the company is a higher quality of work. At my workplace, delegation can improve quality of work by permitting the employees who have direct knowledge of the laws, regulations and procedures governing the administration of public assistance grants and programs and of interviewing and record keeping techniques to make decisions and complete tasks. Employees may do their work better because they may feel a personal liability for the ending result, even though responsibility ultimately rests with the person who made the delegation. Motivation should also be enhanced as delegation enriches the workers job by expanding the types of tasks that are involved in it (Camp 2006). â€Å"Effective delegation leverages the manager’s energy and talent and those of his or her subordinates. It allows managers to accomplish much more than they would be able to do on their own. Conversely, lack of delegation, or ineffective delegation, sharply reduces what a manager can achieve. The manager also saves one of his or her most valuable assets, time by giving some of his or her responsibility to somebody else. He or she is then free to devote energy to important, higher-level activities such as planning, setting objectives, and monitoring performance†(Bateman and Snell 2007). Empowered delegation can increase the coordination and integration of work by funneling information and final accountability through a single source (Whitten ump; Cameron, 2007, p. 467). Managers who delegate effectively also receive several personal benefits; most importantly, they have more time to do their own jobs when they assign tasks to others. Working in management can be chaotic and hectic at times, so time is very precious. The use of delegation gives management freedom to focus on managerial tasks such as planning, organizing and control. Managers can also benefit from the skill development of lower-level employees. With a more highly skilled workforce, they have more flexibility in making assignments and are more efficient decision makers. â€Å"Managers who develop their workforce are also likely to have high personal power with their staff and to be highly valued by their organization†(Camp 2006). Effective delegation is actually crucial for effective succession. The main task of a manager in a prosperous organization is ultimately to develop a successor. When this happens, everyone within the organization can progress to higher things. â€Å"As a giver of delegated tasks you must ensure delegation happens properly. Just as significantly, as the recipient of delegated tasks, you have the opportunity to manage upwards and suggest improvements to the delegation process and understanding especially if your boss could use the help†(Chatman 2008). Three behaviors to be practiced by a manager to enhance their skills in Delegating and Empowering are: Good Communicator Knowing what you want accomplished may seem clear in your head, but if you try to explain it to someone else and are met with a blank expression, you know there is a problem. Being able to clearly and succinctly describe what you want done is extremely important. If you can’t relate your vision to your team, you won’t all be working towards the same goal. The ability to communicate with people at all levels is a very important skill managers need to possess. Project leadership calls for clear communication about goals, responsibility, performance, expectations and feedback. There is a great deal of value placed on openness and directness. The manager is also the teams link to the larger organization. The leader must have the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the success of the team and project. Through effective communication, project leaders support individual and team achievements by creating explicit guidelines for accomplishing results and for the career advancement of team members. Training new members and creating a productive work environment all depend on healthy lines of communication. Whether that stems from an open door policy to your office, or making it a point to talk to your staff on a daily basis, making yourself available to discuss interoffice issues is vital. Your team will learn to trust and depend on you, and will be less hesitant to work harder. Ability to Inspire An effective manager is often described as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it. Visionaries thrive on change and being able to draw new boundaries. It was once said that a leader is someone who lifts us up, gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to change. Visionary leaders enable people to feel they have a real stake in the project. They empower people to experience the vision on their own. According to Bennis They offer people opportunities to create their own vision, to explore what the vision will mean to their jobs and lives, and to envision their future as part of the vision for the organization. (Bennis, 1997). Being Organized Organization is an obvious characteristic of a manager, but it manifests itself in a variety of ways, including in an ability to stay focused on the big picture and to prioritize competing responsibilities. In most projects, there are so many things that have to get done that its hard to stay on top of everything and in control of everything, says Kondo. Being able to prioritize work for your team is a critical aspect of what a manager has to do with respect to delegating and empowering. Conclusion In conclusion, allowing management to dedicate more time to important decision-making tasks while lower-level employees carry out assignments means that assignments are done in a more well-organized and lucrative manner. Additionally, as employees develop and progress in their own line of work, their skills to contribute to the company enhances also. Throughout the delegation process, management and employees must work together and communicate about the project. The manager should know the ideas at the beginning and inquire about progress or problems at periodic meetings and review sessions. Thus, even though the employee executes the task, management is available and currently aware of what’s going on. Many projects and issues are complex; therefore, managers will be pressed for times to address issues in a timely manner. The manager does not have to do it alone. The manager can delegate work. An effective manager does not mind delegating, for it can maximize the organization success, empower employees, and increase productivity. When a manager can delegate effectively it demonstrate leadership, and it maximizes the manager success. Without delegation and the empowerment that must accompany it, no organization and no manager can enjoy long-term success†(Whitten ump; Cameron, 2007, p. 467). Management within an organization that wants to find out how to successfully delegate should keep this quote in mind: â€Å"If you are not delegating, you are merely doing things; but the more you delegate, the more you are truly building and managing an organization†(Bateman and Snell 2007). References: Bateman, Thomas S. and Snell, Scott A. Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, Seventh Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007 pages 266-269 Camp, Richard R. (2006). Delegation: Benefits of Delegation, Drawbacks of Delegation, Planning, Process. Retrieved from February 20, 2008 Chatman, Alan (2008). Effective Delegating Authority Skills, Tasks and the Process of Effective Delegation. Retrieved from February 21, 2008 Chatman, Alan (2008). Goal planning – Personal Aims, Targets, Goals, Visions, and Life-Changes – Making Things Happen. Retrieved from February 21, 2008 Bennis, W., 1997. Learning to Lead, Addison-Wesley, MA.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Edna’s Symbolic Swim in The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening
Edna’s Symbolic Swim in The Awakening Reading through The Awakening for the first time, a passage in chapter X intrigued me: Edna’s first successful swim. I begin my close reading halfway through page 49, â€Å"But that night she was like the little tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with over-confidence.†Her success is sudden and in spite of assistance from â€Å"the men and women; in some instances from the children†throughout the summer. Robert himself had devised a system of lessons. But her triumph does not result from any such assistance, but from her own abilities. By comparing the experience to a child’s first steps, it conjures imagery she herself must have experienced with her own children, which is emphasized by referring to â€Å"the†child rather than â€Å"a†child. Before her triumph, she totters, stumbles, and literally clutches at any â€Å"hand nearby that might reach out and reassure her,†always requiring the assistance or reassurance of others. But on this night, her powers, which by virtue of the strength of such a word choice suggests its relevance to far more than swimming, overtake her. It is significant she does it alone, and her over-confidence possibly foreshadows the conclusion. â€Å"A feeling of exultation overtook her, as if some power of significant import had been given her to control the working of her body and her soul†implies the tremendous joy that encourages her to shout, as well as underscores the significance of the experience in terms of the greater awakening, for the experience actually does provide Edna with the ability to control her own body and soul for the first time. Her â€Å"daring and reckless†behavior, her overestimation of strength, and the desire to â€Å"swim far out, where no woman had swum before†all suggest the tragic conclusion that awaits Edna. Whether her awakening leads her to want too much, or her desires are not fully compatible with the society in which she lives, she goes too far in her awakening. Amazed at the ease of her new power, she specifically does not join the other groups of people in the water, but rather goes off to swim alone. Indeed, her own awakening ultimately ends up being solitary , particularly in her refusals to join in social expectations. Here, the water presents her with space and solitude, with the â€Å"unlimited in which to lose herself.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Herbs :: essays research papers
Your studying for your final exams when all of a sudden you feel it coming on. A headache. It’s definitely your worst one yet, and to make matters worse, you’ve only just started studying an hour ago. It’s probably from going over all those problems in the small print of your text book. The test is tomorrow and the pain in your head is so unbearable that the only way known to make it go away is to go to bed. But, in the back of your mind, you know that you haven’t finished studying yet and if you go to bed now, you’ll definitely fail the test tomorrow. Does this problem sound familiar? How many of you can say that after continuously studying, your head starts to pound ? Well, there is no need to worry about failing anymore, because, believe it or not, there is a new way that studies are showing that can relieve your headaches, lower you stress levels, and actually make you relax more. Believe it or not, the newest way to make all those things I just said happen is by using herbs. Now I know what your thinking, herbs, aren’t they just used for cooking? Well, not anymore. In this speech I’m going to tell you what type of problems herbs can be used to treat, which herbs to use, and how to apply and prepare them. When it comes to what problems herbs can be used for, their are so many. Common problems that teenagers have nowadays are headaches, stress, acne, colds symptoms, and depression. These problems can usually occur around finals, flu season, and just out of the blue. Also, as teens get older, they have more freedom and would hate to be stuck in the house sick or with a terrible headache when a massive party is going on . Now, teens won’t have to make their parents pay money for medicine that taste disgusting and takes days to make them feel better. They can just use different types of herbal treatments that aren’t that hard to make an d can make the pain go away faster. Now, you can’t just use any herbs for these problems. Their are over 100 herbs commonly used, and not all of them are used for the same problems. When it comes to headaches, the most known herbs used to make them go away is betony, willow, and lavender.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
3 Important People in My Life.
3 important people in my life. There are several people in my life that have served as a source of influence. However, there are three people who have not only impacted a decision or two, but have drastically altered my way of life. These people have completely transformed my life in a positive way. Without these people, my life would not have the same meaning and purpose. These three important individuals are my mom, my dad, and my wife. First and foremost, there is my mother. She has served her role as my mother dutifully and out of love. That would explain any mother in this world.However, she has gone beyond that and has provided a very nurturing childhood while growing up. Growing up in India, there was a large emphasis on academic success. For some of my friends, that meant doing well and succeeding called for praise while failure was simply looked at with disgust. My mother never judged me for my successes or failures. She acknowledged my successes, but also taught me how to l earn with my failures. This applied not only to school, but also to sports. Perhaps, this is why I excelled in both. I received the encouragement and proper guidance I needed.Furthermore, my mom always had a calm attitude. She never worked with a hot temper. I learned how to be patient and how to deal with problems that came my way. Thus, my mom did not only provide me with an exemplary childhood, she role modeled and taught me positive life skills. I always refer back to a problem in terms of what my own mother would do. The second most significant person in my life is my father. Growing up, he was very present in my life even in a patriarchal society. He encouraged me to succeed and excel in everything I do.Not only that, but he also taught me some of the tougher life lessons. I remember that as a child, whenever I wanted something new, I had to wait it out until it was practical to replace whatever I wanted to replace. If I whined or cried, it would be completely out of the quest ion. Thus, my dad in a way taught me how to appreciate the things in life as the way they are instead of always hoping for a change. He also taught me to be strong and patient with goals because crying and whining only leads to time wasted. It is a weakness that only sets you back instead of moving you forward.Another aspect my dad has influenced me greatly is to look at every individual with equality. Growing up, I was raised to not judge a person based on who they were or how much money they made. My dad instilled these values into me and hoped that I carried them forward. He wanted me to understand that people may differ from the surface, but they should all be taken equally. Without my father, my social interactions and way of setting goals and achieving them would not have been the same. Finally, the final person of significance in my life is my wife of 4 years.Right after I moved to Houston, I did not know many people and my life was very simple and bland. I would go to school , focus on my studies, interact with my family, and repeat the same routine every single day. My life was missing an important social sector. I had no one else to talk to. However, I met a girl from Houston and she was very friendly and kind. She did not judge me like others did. She did not concern herself with my style or who I was. She took me like any other person. Perhaps this mindset was what I was looking for in another person.She not only was there when I needed her the most, but she became another reason and another motivation to keep my life moving strong. Thus, she has inspired me that there is always hope even in difficult times. However, the key is to maintain hope and a positive attitude. One of the most important things she has taught me is to always smile and life. Life is too short to carry a frown on your face and to not enjoy every single moment of it. As a result, these three people have served as great source of positive influence. Without them, my life would be incomplete.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Prophet Muhammad Achievements
The Prophet Muhammad Achievements Introduction Throughout the history of mankind the messengers of God’s divine message have been reduced to victims of violence and ridicule; from Adam to Muhammad this trend has been repeated. Many achievements in this world can be attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)(Cheema 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Prophet Muhammad Achievements specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Generally speaking, Prophet Muhammad was a great benefactor of mankind and this discussion will seek to understand the person that he was, especially in light with this age where narrow-mindedness and prejudice has caused the teaching of the great Prophet to be misunderstood. Therefore, it’s important to independently look at the character and the person that the prophet was and hence this article. Discussion Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of God according to The Quran, the Muslims holy book. Prophet Muhammad was born th e year 560 AD in the city of Mecca Saudi Arabia. Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Taib after he became an orphan at an early age. No documentation exist indicating whether he received a formal education in regards to reading and writing, however as illustrated by The Quran the experience between the Prophet and Angel Gabriel demonstrates that he didn’t receive any formal education(Kathir 190). In the region that Prophet Muhammad originated from, immorality, cruelty, polytheism, idol worshiping and illiteracy existed at a very high rate. Slavery on its part had become so rampant on that part of the world. Prophet Muhammad was a soft spoken young man who kept aloof from those who participated in paganism and the rituals associated with the region at that time.He began to preach about the existence of only on God –Allah and at the age of 40 after he received his first revelation (Kathir 191). His preaching of the existence of only one God attracted opposition from the pagans of Mecca (Quraysh).They offered him gifts, power, honor and material things in the hope that he would abandon his preaching and instead preach about the idols. The prophet refused this offer stating that he would never renounce his mission even if the sun will be put on his right hand and the moon on his left hand. Having taken this stance he and his followers were banished from Mecca after being tortured and some of them being brutally killed by the Quraysh. He immigrated to Medina where he established himself after being warmly welcomed (Azzam 14).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pagans of Mecca were determined to root out the new religion forcing Muhammad to defend himself in several wars. He was successful in his defense, with the help of a small force, 10,000 followers; he was able to defeat a huge, well equipped and well trained force (Rizvi 13). N ear the end of his life he returned to Mecca, his hometown where he took over it and declared a general amnesty for everyone including those who had committed serious crimes. He brought law and order within a short period of ten years to people who were well known for lawlessness, immorality and ignorance. From there, Islam spread to the greater part of Arabia and now to all corners of the world. No man with Muhammad’s accomplishments as yet again been produced to the world. The Prophet had uncountable accomplishments in his life live alone the world, including but not limited to being a prophet, judge, reformer, political leader and a moralist. Besides these accomplishments he was a person of exemplary character who practiced what he preached as demonstrated in the Hadiths. He had the best morals characterized by truthfulness, forgiveness humbleness and many others. The prophet Muhammad had a great love for the almighty God. For majority of his life since he was a child, he dedicated his life to trying to establish a close relationship with God by praying, fasting and spending a lot of time supplicating to him. The Prophet frequented a cave in Hira where he often went to fast and pray. It was during such a situation when he received his first revelation from God (Cheema 2). During hardships and suffering the prophet showed a lot of patience and nothing took hold of him as he was never discouraged by adverse conditions or personal desires. Besides the death of his father and later his grand father, the prophet had been faced by the death of several of his wives including Khadija and seven of his children. Nonetheless the Prophet remained very patient and dignified in his manners, a character not observed in the people around him, this character was demonstrated in one of the occasion that he admonished a woman who was occupied in loud mourning of the death of her child to which the Prophet told her to be patient and accept gods will, not knowing that sh e was talking to a Prophet of God, the woman told him that he(the Prophet) couldn’t understand the pain that comes with losing a child as he had never lost any to which the Prophet told her that he had lost seven children(Cheema 5).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Prophet Muhammad Achievements specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Muslims have been enjoined by the Prophet to treat the poor kindly as narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri, the Prophet encouraged Muslims to help other Muslims by giving them clothes, foods and drinks and in return they will be rewarded in paradise by being given cloths by green garments of paradise, fruits of paradise and pure wine (Cheema 11) Acquisition of wealth is not discouraged by the Prophet or prohibited but instead he insists that they should be acquired lawfully and a part of it given to the poor. Throughout his life the Prophet encouraged hard work, independence and nobleness of the people. He encouraged charity; the Prophet was relatively rich, however in his house he never for more than a day remained without distributing his wealth to charity, the Prophet mostly used his wealth to please God (Cheema 12). Conclusion Millions of people all over the world still love and adore Prophet Muhammad(saw), he has changed the lives of many including women by bringing respect and dignity to them. Islam’s foundation is based on His believes and teachings and it is for this reason that the barriers of tribalism, racism, power and wealth have been able to be broken. The destiny of humanity is still largely influenced by his revolution and the document which bears God’s message sent through him, Quran, continue to bring wisdom, guidance, and influence to all men all over the world. Philosophers, historians, students of religion, leaders, Muslims and non-Muslims alike continue to acknowledge and admire the Prophet thousands of years after his death (Akhta r 10). Akhtar S.H. Prophet Muhammad.Austin Texas.2009, Web.6 Oct.2011. Azzam K.A.Life of The Prophet Muhammad.New York.June 2003. Web.6 Oct 2011.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cheema M.A.The Holy Prophet Muhammad.New York:Hart publishiung,Sep 2001.Web.6 Oct 2011. Kadhir I.A.Stories of The Prophets,Al Azhar(Trans).Riyadh:Darusalam, 2005.Web.6 Oct.2011. Rizvi S.S.The Life of Muhammad the Prophet.TZ:Oxford publishing,June 2009.Web.6 Oct 2011.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Back to School Checklist for Teachers
Back to School Checklist for Teachers Preparing your classroom for the new school year can feel a bit overwhelming. Even seasoned veterans can feel the stress during the first few weeks of school. To help alleviate some of this stress, try keeping track of the essential tasks with a back to school checklist. Print this list and be sure to check off each task as you go. Back to School Checklist Wrote and mailed a welcome letter to parents and students.Created name tags for students and their desks.Laminated name tags that include specific information such as a walker, bus number, address etc.Read through student files to help determine placement in groups and activities.Determined seating chart and desk arrangement.Decorated the bulletin boards.Decorated the front door.Determined the rules and consequences or how you will have the class decide upon the rules.Decided on icebreaker activities for the first day of class.Collected activities and lessons for the first week of school.Became familiar with the class computer and other technology needed for the classroom.Decided how to welcome students and introduce them to the rules and procedures.Developed a substitute folder.Printed emergency contact form.Ordered extra supplies for students such as a folder, pencils, glue etc.Set up Learning Centers with supplies in place.Created classroom jobs.Camera ready to take pictures of the students. Got to know fellow teachers and staff members.Set up a classroom calendar.Organize the classroom library.Made copies of all worksheets that you want to send home for the first week of school.Labeled workbooks, folders, and textbooks with students names.Gathered extra tissues, paper towels, band aids and emergency supplies.Created the first newsletter to send home.Gathered book order information to send out.Have a reward or incentive box filled.Have a birthday chart ready to be filled out.Have all systems in order (homework basket, paperwork basket etc.)Take home folders are labeled and filled with the necessary paperwork.Purchased a lesson plan organizer and calendar.Purchased or gathered cleaning supplies for the classroom.Purchased a bottle of aspirin for you, and hand sanitizer for the class.Gathered teacher materials and supplies.Create a routine for attendance, lunch count, walking in halls etc.Set up a class webpage to communicate with students and parents.Purchased any classro om supplies that are needed. Find out student schedule for lunch, gym, library etc.Obtained district curriculum standards.Prepared a folder for faculty meetings and information.Made copies of materials for the first few weeks.Posted lunch menu.Posted emergency evacuation and procedures.First aid kit stocked and in place.Shelves, cubbies and activity areas are clearly labeled.Decided how to manage homework.Decided how to manage using the restroom (lavatory passes, just get up and go, etc.) Additional Things to Consider During the first week of school create a student inventory checklist. This will help students, and yourself, keep track of all items that students bring in. Once rules and consequences are decided upon creating a classroom plan agreement for all students and parents to sign. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page if something goes awry. To keep parents in the loop, create a daily or weekly progress report for all students. For younger students, you can list days of the week and use stickers, stamps or happy faces. For older students, you can rate progress by listing each subject and rating by excellent, good, need improvement etc. When preparing for a parent-teacher conference, provide parents with a planning sheet that they can bring with them. List questions such as academic strengths and weaknesses, goals for the year, examples of students qualities and so on.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Weak Woman Becomes Strong †Antigones Sister
Weak Woman Becomes Strong – Antigones Sister Free Online Research Papers The 1950’s, when the men worked and the women cooked and took care of children, the perfect time, NOT! The women of the 1950’s are a lot like Ismene at the beginning of the play Antigone, she is the ideal, domestic, Greek woman who believes that women are weak against men. She however finds her inner courage and speaks up like the women of the 1960’s. Ismene believes that women are weak against men, argues with her sister, and then she changes her mind and stands up for her beliefs. â€Å"I am not disrespecting them. But I can’t act against the state. That is not in my nature,†declares Ismene. (Prologue.96-97) Ismene acts like a traditional Greek homemaker. Traditional Greek women stay at home, bring up the children, and prepare dinner. They are not even allowed to eat dinner with their husbands. Ismene follows those beliefs by telling Antigone that she cannot act against the state, because it is not in her nature and that women are weak against men. Ismene and Antigone are a lot like my sister and I, complete opposites, and always arguing. â€Å"A vain attempt should not be made at all,†argues Ismene. (Prologue.112) â€Å"I will hate you if you are going to talk that way,†wails Antigone. (Prologue.114) Ismene is arguing that Antigone should not try to bury Polyneices’ corpse against Creon’s wishes. Antigone decides to bury his body anyway, and tells Ismene to tell anyone she wants. â€Å"You are my sister. Do not dishonor me. Let me respect the dead and die with you,†Ismene cries. (Episode 1.623) Ismene speaks up like the women of the 1960’s and says she will take the punishment and die with her sister. Antigone will not let Ismene take the blame for something she did not do, and spares her sister even though Ismene says she will have no one left to love. Ismene turns out to be strong and even though she was weak in the beginning, she finds courage. Ismene is not much of a main character, but she is important none the less. Research Papers on Weak Woman Becomes Strong - Antigone's SisterComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Fifth HorsemanAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementMind TravelHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Spring and Autumn
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The major causes and consequences of ruralurban migration in the Essay
The major causes and consequences of ruralurban migration in the developing countries - Essay Example The migration culture in India was initially confined to the lean season for agriculture at many parts of the region till the end of summer. People used to flee to nearby towns and cities for working as daily wage workers at construction sites and other jobs to meet their expenses. They used to return to native villages when the rains arrives and used to spend their time in cultivation. The consistent unstable rains, the famines, the drought have unsettled the farmers resulting in migration to the urban areas. The growing IT and ITES boom with strong real estate drive created opportunities with sufficient work year round with satisfactory income made the rural folks to stay away from their lands. The ever growing cities expanses have swallowed nearby villages which made some wealthier and left with some no land to cultivate who ultimately migrated to cities in search of survival. The low literacy rates in the rural population: The rural population is mostly illiterate due to lack of awareness to educate themselves and concentrating more the physical work they need to perceive in the fields to cultivate. The villages are remotely located at times isolating them from the rest of the world and he developments. The villages had primary schools and at times high schools in major villages. The facilities provided at the schools as not encouraging. Child labour being cheaper than the elder wages and the poverty of the families force every one to work The families send their children for daily labour like every other family member to earn the daily expense when they migrate to towns and cities which does allows the children to perceive their education. The low and specific skill oriented farmers: The farmers in most of the developed countries cultivate with the primitive methods. The cultivation methods were not effective to yield good returns. The crops need more water, and in turn for more water they need electricity to pump ground water. The electricity is more scarce and expensive for already lean farmers. The farmers have only specific skills like cultivation, cattle raring which were said to be unskilled jobs and does not yield at timely regular intervals. The works at urban and metros yield good daily income and the amount of earning will depend on the way he learns the particular job as he gains expertise. The facilities demand-supply gap in urban areas: The huge migrations were not to the two or three tier cities but to the metro which are already crowded. The ever growing demand for basic amenities does not provide a chance for a brief and refined plan but forces for a temporary makeshift which in turn leads to a non uniform town or city planning. The below par basic amenities like water, electricity and housing: The urban authorities are pressurized by the ever growing demand that might hinder the authorities to provide the requisite facilities. Reference: Impact of the rural urban migration on the sustainability of the cities, 7 May, 2004, available at Making India world skill capital, Education must cater to the need of the industry, 30October,2004, available at
Friday, October 18, 2019
Any topic you choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Any topic you choose - Essay Example The internet is therefore effectively closing the gap between the buyer and the seller by eliminating the intermediaries or the middlemen. Almost every type of product or service is now available on the net. Be it the airlines, travel industry, books, groceries, toiletries, tax consultants, news media, health care services etc. they are all available on the net, allowing the user to compare different offers and select the best one without actually going to the market place. The term1 "e-business" was coined by Lou Gerstner, CEO of IBM. Today leading online stores and companies have moved beyond the 'one-size-fits-all' approach to 'customization' and internet relationship., the online book store seems to have adopted this approach quite well in an endeavor to reach out to the book lovers from all over the world. aspires to be2 'earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online. Having started its journey since July 1995, the company has earned a distinct identity for itself in online retailing. Since the reach of internet knows no boundaries, it helped in diversifying its range of offerings, which further helped in strengthening its image internationally.
Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Americans with Disabilities Act - Essay Example Title I of the Act clearly states that all the employers who have at least fifteen employees working under them, must give equal chances of employment to qualified disabled persons as well so that they get all the benefits that the organization is giving to the otherwise fit persons. The emphasis is on the elimination of discrimination which may arise in â€Å"recruitment, hiring, promotions, training, pay, social activities, and other privileges of employment†(U.S. Department of Justice, 2005). The employers do not have to ask them questions about the applicants’ disabilities until the job has been offered. Also, the employers are required to make such accommodations that should be appropriate for the physical or mental impairment that person is going through. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) holds the responsibility to file complaints and charges against persons non-complying with the Act (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2008). . .. job tasks; making equipment available for them; arranging medical examinations; modifying policies; or, arranging for special examiners and interpreters. Not all accommodations are needed by one disabled person. Every one of them would require a different sort of accommodation to be adjusted. But before making these accommodations, I would give a deep consideration to whether or not I should perceive the conditions being told as serious enough impairments that should require some accommodations made by me as a business manager. As far as obesity is concerned, Carrier (2000) states that â€Å"although courts initially were reluctant to recognize obesity as a qualifying disability for purposes of ADA protection, courts are increasingly willing to consider obesity as a disability giving plaintiffs status to raise ADA claims.†If I keep in mind the definition of disability as stated by the Act, then obesity is also one such claimed disability that restricts one to perform major li fe activities due to problems like in mobility. However, the point where obesity is defined should be considered. I will see that the person claiming accommodation is just fat or has higher than average fatness, and will see if there is a physical disorder that is causing obesity. If I find that there is some complication really associated with the person’s physique, I will make certain arrangements for him to make him feel at ease while at work but this decision would be more ethical than legal. Same is the case with depression as one cannot work properly when he suffering through anxiety, stress or trauma. If he is otherwise qualified, then I will consider arranging psychotherapists for the person. Again, this would be more of an ethical decision. Dyslexia is a serious impairment and under
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger's Adventures of Prince Achmed Essay
Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger's Adventures of Prince Achmed - Essay Example Also, the preservation of the original music score by the library of congress helped in the restoration of the film. Animation of the characters is evident in the film. They have been depicted and designed out of a black sheet of paper and made to move on backgrounds that are lit and photographed from above. It is evident that Reiniger has used simple techniques, but the film that was compiled by the British Film Institute to commemorate her work is highly sophisticated. The Dr Dolittle shorts are irresistibly enchanting as each animal in the menagerie has its own defined personality. At the scene where Dr. Dolittle boat runs into trouble on the route to Africa, the chattering duck retrieved the doctor’s top hat from the ocean waves. The chubby pig was also scared to use the ship and opted for a piggyback ride to the show. The monkeys that the Dr Dolittle found at his destination appeared as complex and individual portraying the best live-action characters in the film. The act of the animals was perfect as Reiniger spent hours at the Tiergarten in Berlin, where she studied the animals close ly to monitor their movements (Reiniger, 1926). The paper cut-out symbolized the characters and other features in the film. The research carried out enabled the paper cut-outs to be maneuvered by sheets of lead. This manual practice made the animation more charming and truer-than-life. The potential of errors resembles the current computer generated smoothness. It is also apparent that after viewing Reiniger’s animation through many years of continuous 3-D invention, it still possess more ‘life’ Thus, has enabled Reiniger to stand out (Reiniger, 1926). The adventures of Prince Achmed film are recognized as an early example of filmmaking. This is shown by the mechanical magic lantern slides, hints of vaudeville theatre that has sequences of acrobatic physical comedy and the separate
Evidence Based Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Evidence Based - Research Paper Example In United States, the Card Vascular Disease (CVD) has become a serious cause of death, especially dangerous for the diabetic patients. The Card Vascular Disease (CVD) correlates with the different levels of plasma cholesterol and triglyceride contained particles. To increase the Card Vascular Disease (CVD), there are many types of lipids by containing those particles, which promote the plaque formation between the tissues (only transporting lipids are not harmful for the tissues) to increase the risk factors of diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are due to high level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, elevated level of triglyceride and low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (Runhua Hou, 2009). LDL-C level should be lowered to avoid CVD. The patients are treated with multiple drugs to achieve the goal of reducing its level 30% below the baseline. Some patients can be treated with single drug, but other needs more drugs including statins, bile acid sequestrants (BAS) and ezetimibe. Medical research has proved that there is positive relationship between Low Density Lipoprotein and the coronary heart disease. The nursing process to treat the patients has proved that the Statins drug is very beneficial for the heart patients to lower the disease risks. Statins are safe to use by mixing it with other drugs to benefit the patients for cholesterol-lowering therapy (Lawrence Baruch, 2008). Ezetimibe is mainly used to reduce the amount of lipids so also known as cholesterol absorption inhibitors. It blocks the passage of lipids through the intestine. Ezetimibe is used as monotherapy or it is combined with smvastatin (Lawrence Baruch, 2008).A high concentration of LDL-c causes hypercholesterolemia (hFL) and premature coronary heart diseases (Christos Pitsavos, 2008). Decreasing the level of LDL-C is the first requirement to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger's Adventures of Prince Achmed Essay
Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger's Adventures of Prince Achmed - Essay Example Also, the preservation of the original music score by the library of congress helped in the restoration of the film. Animation of the characters is evident in the film. They have been depicted and designed out of a black sheet of paper and made to move on backgrounds that are lit and photographed from above. It is evident that Reiniger has used simple techniques, but the film that was compiled by the British Film Institute to commemorate her work is highly sophisticated. The Dr Dolittle shorts are irresistibly enchanting as each animal in the menagerie has its own defined personality. At the scene where Dr. Dolittle boat runs into trouble on the route to Africa, the chattering duck retrieved the doctor’s top hat from the ocean waves. The chubby pig was also scared to use the ship and opted for a piggyback ride to the show. The monkeys that the Dr Dolittle found at his destination appeared as complex and individual portraying the best live-action characters in the film. The act of the animals was perfect as Reiniger spent hours at the Tiergarten in Berlin, where she studied the animals close ly to monitor their movements (Reiniger, 1926). The paper cut-out symbolized the characters and other features in the film. The research carried out enabled the paper cut-outs to be maneuvered by sheets of lead. This manual practice made the animation more charming and truer-than-life. The potential of errors resembles the current computer generated smoothness. It is also apparent that after viewing Reiniger’s animation through many years of continuous 3-D invention, it still possess more ‘life’ Thus, has enabled Reiniger to stand out (Reiniger, 1926). The adventures of Prince Achmed film are recognized as an early example of filmmaking. This is shown by the mechanical magic lantern slides, hints of vaudeville theatre that has sequences of acrobatic physical comedy and the separate
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Metamorphosis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Metamorphosis Paper - Essay Example Right at the beginning of the story, prior to his physical metamorphosis, Gregor already appears to be alienated in some way. This initial suggestion of alienation surrounds his external environment; his work, social life and to some extent, his family. He reflects over the monotony of his life in terms of his job, a monotony he endures due to the pressure of having to support his family financially. He appears to have no friends or social life to speak of, and his family seem to take his support for granted. Even the duty of caring for his family seems to be something strange to him, as he hardly realizes it when he loses this duty by the end. After establishing Gregors alienation from his societal environment and duties, we begin to see the process of deeper alienation from his family, his immediate environment, his emotions and his body. When he wakes to find his body changed, he is so disconnected from it he hides away from those closest to him. As his family become aware of the situation, they cease speaking to him altogether, eventually determining that the animal they see before them is not Gregor, â€Å"You must just try to get rid of the idea that this is Gregor. The fact that we’ve believed it for so long is the root of all our trouble†, (Kafka part 3). After the metamorphosis Gregor undergoes total alienation from his house and environment. Symbolic of this, Gregor cannot even view his street through the window and hence he slowly becomes a foreigner in his own family and home, without a productive role to play, as his family treat him with neglect and revulsion, as suggested by Kafka (1). The metamorphosis Gregor undergoes, changes him from an active social being to a useless and non active person within his family and society. More importantly, it represents a physical manifestation of the alienation process he has
My Antonia by Willa Cather Essay Example for Free
My Antonia by Willa Cather Essay Based on the novel, Jim Burden’s observation of Antonia and even the way he looks at her and interacts with her, it seems clear that he loved Antonia. He did not pursue her, however. Jim spent his childhood in his grandfather’s house in the prairie and spent a lot of time with Antonia. Eventually, in the second book, he spends more time with Antonia and also with the girls working in town. It is at this time that he notices the sexuality of Antonia. Hence, his descriptions of Antonia, and later of Lena, become charged with sexuality. Jim Burden’s relationship with Antonia remained platonic first, because Antonia put emphasis on the four years difference they had and looked down at Jim as her junior. Hence, Jim felt that Antonia looked down on him as a child. When he turned his attention to Lena Lingard, she decided to toy with the young man’s feelings. Antonia had to intervene to prevent Jim from being heartbroken. The relationship between Antonia and Jim remained platonic, at least on the surface. Jim did not see through the defenses set up by Antonia to prevent their being linked romantically together. But since Jim turned his attention to Lena, Antonia felt that she should protect the emotions of Jim. Jim and Antonia are connected with the threads of childhood and of the friendship of growing up together. But Jim, being an orphan and a man, has to study and pursue his dreams for himself. His education and the very act of pursuing his dreams stand in the way between him and Antonia. Years later when he goes back and finds Antonia with her husband and her ten children, he feels affectionate to them yet he adds a wistful longing by saying that Antonia and he â€Å"possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past. †In the end, that was what they shared together. Works Cited Cather, Willa. My Antonia. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1954.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Users Who Suffer With Schizophrenia Social Work Essay
Users Who Suffer With Schizophrenia Social Work Essay Introduction This report will look at service users who suffer with schizophrenia, it will highlight what schizophrenia is. The needs of service users who suffer from schizophrenia will be identified including; personal, interpersonal, social, educational, accommodation and medication needs. The services available to service users which meet these needs will also be identified. What is Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a complex disorder with a number of variants, although the prognosis is well understood by specialists. It is a neuropsychiatric disorder where a number of factors may have impacted upon the central nervous system and which results in a cluster of symptoms that are classified as schizophrenia. It is commonly thought, incorrectly, by the general public to be associated with dangerous and extreme madness and thus carries a stigma which other diagnoses do not (Eldergill 1997). About one in 100 people will have one episode of schizophrenia, and two thirds of these will go on to have further episodes. Schizophrenia usually starts in the late teens or early 20s, but can also affect older people for the first time. The causes are unknown but episodes of schizophrenia appear to be associated with changes in some brain chemicals. Stressful experiences and some recreational drugs can also trigger an episode in vulnerable people. ( Needs of service users with schizophrenia Personal needs An individuals personal needs include; Good basic personal hygiene; this may include assistance to wash and brush their teeth or the individual may need prompting/reminding do so. Having clean fitting clothing; help or prompting again may be needed to assist the individual to get dressed. Food and drink supplies; individuals may need assistance shopping or making meals, to ensure good diet and physical health. Interpersonal needs It is important that individuals gain support from their family, friends and professionals. Awareness of the individuals illness and needs is also paramount. It would also be useful to the individual if their family and friends have an idea of what causes their episodes and ways of defusing the situation or a point of contact when these situations arise. Social needs It is important that the individual does not feel excluded from society because of their illness. To be able to carry out social activities on a regular basis Meet other people with the same illness; this can provide an understanding of their illness as well as peer support. Educational needs Education about their illness and also education for their family and friends. What to do or who to contact when experiencing the onset of a psychotic episode. Education on ways to prevent or control the psychotic episodes. Accommodation Stable adequate housing. Depending on the severity or their illness; supported living or residential accommodation. Medication It is important that the service user understands what medication they are taking, if any. What the medication does. Side effects of the medication. Services The National Service Framework for adult mental health has seven standards; Standard one covers mental health promotion and aspects of discrimination and social exclusion that is associated with mental health problems. Standards two and three cover primary care services for people who have mental health problems and include 24-hour crisis services. Standards four and five highlight what is needed to provide effective services for people with mental health problems. This includes being familiar with the care programme approach and its relation to care management. Standard six relates to the individuals who care for people with mental health problems, with social service departments being given the lead responsibility in ensuring that all carers needs are assessed and that they receive their own written care plans. Standard seven sets out what is needed to achieve a reduction in suicides. This will potentially involve all social workers in a range of settings. (Golightley 2009) Social services Social services are put in place to assist people who are experiencing a crisis or are in need of ongoing support. The adult mental health services would be the provider of this service to individuals with schizophrenia. Golightley (2009) highlights the role of social workers working with sufferers of a mental illness to be; Educating service users and their families about their illness. Helping to arrange appropriate low stress accommodation. Networking with the service user to provide community support. The use of behavioural techniques to modify behaviours. Encouraging compliance with medication. Acting as an advocate for the service user where appropriate. It is important that social workers are able to identify whether the service user is a risk to either themselves or others. If so it is important to identify the risk and a way to manage it. General practitioner MIND the mental health charity state that General practitioners are usually the first point of contact for individuals who believe that they are experiencing the onset of a mental illness. GPs can offer advice and referral to other specialised mental health services and treatments. It is also possible for them to prescribe anti-psychotic medication once assessing an individuals situation and they feel the individual would benefit from it. After diagnosis GPs still play an important role in individuals aftercare and physical health. The GP will be able to provide advice about the medication, what it does and its side effects. According to the Government, GPs play a central role in the care and treatment of people with mental illness. (Department of health 2001) Community mental health teams Community mental health teams are put in place to assist and treat service users who suffer from mental disorders which primary care teams cannot treat including schizophrenia. Community mental health teams usually consist of professionals such as; Psychologists Psychiatrists Nurses Social workers Occupational therapists Support workers ( 2012) All of these professionals work alongside each other as part of a multidisciplinary team. They create individual care plans for each service user and assist them to either maintain their disorder or work towards full recovery depending on the severity of their disorder. To access the services of the community mental health team service users would need to be referred by their general practitioner, social worker or health visitor. These professionals will only refer individuals to this service if they believe that it would be appropriate and their patient would benefit from the services they have to offer. Once the service user has been referred, they will receive an assessment from the community mental health team which will determine the next steps for them to take towards recovery. The assessment will give the service user a diagnosis .Depending on the outcome of the assessment their next steps may include; advice, treatment or ongoing support from the team and in some cases referral to another service which specialises in their disorder. ( 2012) Early intervention service There is some evidence that early intervention can prevent psychosis and can help to prevent some of the worse consequences of psychosis, such as periods of unemployment, misuse of drugs or alcohol, getting into trouble with the police or becoming depressed. (Care services improvement partnership and national institute of mental health England 2006) The early intervention team is part of the wider community mental health team framework. This service is specially designed for sufferers of schizophrenia and associated psychotic illnesses. This service aims to assist people who are at risk of experiencing their first episode of psychosis or are in the early stages of a psychotic illness. The early intervention team consists of; Psychologists Psychiatrists Community psychiatric nurses Social workers Support workers They aim to improve the effectiveness of short and long term treatment by; providing prevention strategies, detection of illness, support and treatment in the early stages of psychosis ( 2012). Crisis resolution and Home treatment To access this service, service users are usually referred by a community mental health team, general practitioner, social worker or health visitor, although it is possible for service users to refer themselves The team is staffed by mental health professionals including; Psychiatrists Mental health nurses Social workers Occupational therapists They provide intensive and rapid support for people aged 16-65 years old who are experiencing a mental health crisis and who, without the teams help, would be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Sometimes the CRT can support people in their own homes, shortening their stay in a psychiatric hospital. For people in the community, CRTs arrive quickly ideally within an hour. The team is then available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Support continues for as long as it is needed or until the person transfers to another service ( 2012). Burton (2009) describes the crisis resolution and home treatment team as the gatekeeper to other mental health services, prompt assessment of an individual suffering a crisis, community based care, remain involved throughout the crisis, undertake crisis prevention planning and work in partnership with the sufferer, family and carers. Residential care If service users feel they are not ready to live in the community independently or supported, residential care may be the next step for them to take. Residential care services provide service users with rehabilitation and support if they are suffering with a severe long term mental illness. This service provides 24-hour care by residential social workers, nurses and mental health support workers. Care homes are for people who need a high level of care and find it hard to manage in their own home ( 2012). This service can be accessed by having a community care assessment, service users may have to pay for this service as it is means tested. Service user groups Service user groups are put in place to assist service users of all types. Each group is tailored to suite specific service user groups. Service user groups that specialize in assisting individuals with personality disorders, emotional or behavioural difficulties would benefit sufferers of schizophrenia. These specific groups aim to make service users feel; supported, empowered, included and a part of something. New coping strategies are provided which can lead to service users experiencing fewer crises. Self-help and peer-support groups enable people to meet and share information, friendship and support. They often bring together people with a similar mental health issue, on a short- or long-term basis. ( 2012) Talking therapies Talking therapies, such as psychotherapy, counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), can help to manage and treat schizophrenia. Talking treatments help individuals to identify the things they have issues with, explore them and discuss strategies or solutions. They can allow individuals to explore the significance of their symptoms, and so to defeat them. ( 2012) Cognitive behaviour therapy can be accessed through the NHS service users can access these service through their GP. Many voluntary associations including MIND offer these services at no cost. Benefits There is financial help available to those who cannot work due to a mental illness. These benefits can help towards care, rent and other commitments. Disability living allowance Service users who suffer from a mental disability such as schizophrenia may be eligible to claim this benefit whether they are working or not. Disability living allowance is a tax free benefit put in place to help with extra costs you have because of your disability. To apply for this benefit service users must first apply through the jobcentre plus, their social worker or support worker would be able to assist them with this process. The claimant may then need to undergo a medical examination in order to receive the benefit. Receiving this benefit could increase the amount of other benefits the service user is entitled to. ( Housing benefit Housing benefit can provide individuals on a low income with financial support to pay their rent. How much each individual receives depends on their circumstances. Housing benefit depending on the service users income can pay all or part of their rent. Individuals are eligible to apply whether they are working or not, they can apply through their local council or jobcentre plus by filling in a housing benefit form.( Council tax benefit Service users can apply for council tax benefit through their local council. Depending on individual circumstances service users may be eligible to get all or part of their council tax bill paid. Individuals can get a council tax benefit claim form from their local council. Summary Department of Health (DH), 2001, The Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide, London: DH.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Bums :: essays research papers
Bums are cool dfsjhfajks hthalksjhaf jkshf sldjfhajeklrh tja hsjdfhajrhl jhsdfjashjhwreuisdhjcsbdr awejfhsadhr wsfhfajrej fsudyfjweb hcvszlhjwerhf jsnf Viewing an erupting volcano is a memorable experience; one that has inspired fear, superstition, worship, curiosity, and fascination throughout the history of mankind. The active Hawaiian volcanoes have received special attention worldwide because of their frequent spectacular eruptions, which can be viewed and studied with a relative ease and safety. The island of Hawaii is composed of five volcanoes, three of which have been active within the past two hundred years. Kilauea’s latest eruption still continues as of today. Mauna Loa’s latest activity was in 1984 and Hualalai’s in 1800-1801, but is likely to erupt again within the next one hundred years. East Maui, or Haleakala, one of the oldest volcanoes, has a long eruptive history and recent activity indicates that the volcano will erupt in the near future. Las t but not least, the Loihi Seamount, sometimes known as the â€Å"youngest volcano†is an undersea mountain this is still active. Scientists now believe that the hot spots lie in the ocean, deep beneath the volcanoes. These hot spots spew out of molten rock that rises to the water’s surface and hardens. After doing this for a long time, the hardened lava forms an island, like the Hawaiian islands (Volcanoes Online). The Kilauea volcano is one of the most active volcanoes on earth. It’s current eruption started in January 1983, and there is no signs that the current eruption is slowing or will come to an end anytime soon. The U.S. Geological Observatory monitors the daily activities of the volcano, for example-movement of lava flows, earthquakes, surface deformation, and gas production. Kilauea has been monitored ever since, making it one of the better-studied volcanoes. Still there is much we don’t understand about the inner workings of this volcano. Unlike most other volcanoes though, Kilauea is approachable. It has been called the â€Å"drive up†volcano because of the ease of access to many of its volcanic activity. On February 24, 2000, an article came out, which was entitled Breakouts result from tube blockages. It stated: The intrusion of magma into the upper east rift zone of Kilauea on February 23 caused minor but noticeable changes in the opening eruption. Lava continued to enter the tube system at Pu’u’O’o, but blockages in the tube above the pali resulted in many breakouts on the active flow field.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Genius :: essays research papers fc
A Genius      The Ancient Near-Eastern period of our history marks a very large fundamental change in the way human culture has evolved. At that time, growth of its people and cities had definite improvement on urban society, which has continued to prevail through the years as a major influence over our evolvement. The Artwork found from that period directly reflects that change and evolvement. Better soil, water accessibility, and easier means of trade with other civilizations provided the fabric for this new change. Pieces uncovered by archeologists such as wall reliefs, vases, coins, statues, and jewelry, really show a sophisticated society unlike any seen before its time. One can only imagine what type of people flourished in ancient Mesopotamia, also known as the â€Å"Fertile Crescent†. Through its villages and cities the Ancient Near Eastern people began to colonize and thus spark the first system of hierarchy. Priests and kings held the rite to the land and the p eople worshiped them as divine. Palaces in this time of government were adorned with great splendor. Grandiose statues and intricate wall reliefs gave them life. One piece in particular shows Assyria’s vision of worship and hierarchy. â€Å"Relief Showing the Head of a Winged Genius†visually depicts the role of worship and deity among this ancient Mesopotamian civilization.      Artwork from any era directly mimics the civilization from where it came. This particular piece with its strong emphasis on line and shape lends itself to an overwhelming sense of stylization and sophistication. Though stylized, Relief Showing the Head of a Winged Genius is also very naturalistic. Dated 883 – 859 BCE., this piece tells a much greater story than its limited visual subject matter would lead its viewer to believe. In it’s roughly, 2ft. by 2ft. frame, the dense-looking gypsum gives a candid view of this winged genius, thought to be some sort of god or higher power. Facial expressions are limited to his profile. Serenity in the genius’s face shows a very friendly disposition while his large eyes with thick, content, eyebrows give him a wisdom that seems all-powerful. The genius’s long beard, with intricate stylized curls, also reinforces the attribute of wisdom. The hint of wings, that can almost be mistaken for hair, and hi s headdress put to rest any doubts that he should be equal to a regular man. Originally, this relief was a part of something much larger.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Changes in Packaging over the Years Essay
Packaging is generally crumpled, creased, folded, bundled, binned, shredded, sorted, sometimes recycled, and often cast aside. Whether the protective material is corrugate, Styrofoam peanuts, or sealed air, consumers are largely indifferent, only the product nestled inside matters. Consumers are not alone. Packaging rarely receives the attention demand planning, materials sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and return logistics enjoy. For some manufacturers, however, product packaging has redeeming value. Ensuring customers receive what they order in mint condition and at minimal cost is the mark of a well- thought-out strategy. Packaging of fruits and vegetables is undertaken primarily to assemble the production in convenient units for marketing and distribution. In my opinion, fruits and vegetables should be taken care of the most when it comes to packaging. They are very rich source of minerals and vitamins and people depend on them for many benefits so packagin g can definitely affect it. The increased production of fruits and vegetables and other agricultural production will be fully realized only when they reach the consumer in good condition and at a reasonable price. The present packaging systems for fresh vegetables is unscientific. Uses of traditional forms of packages like bamboo baskets are still prevalent. Other types of packages generally used are wooden boxes and gunnysacks. Use of corrugated fiber board boxes is limited. Baskets besides being unhygienic also do not allow adequate aeration and convenience of easy handling and stocking. Better packaging should be of immediate value in reducing waste; for example edible packaging which can be eaten after using. Milk packaging has had a good recycling rate in the past, with glass bottles having the ability to be reused up to 40 times before needing to be recycled. The majority of milk being sold through supermarkets where a variety of packaging formats have been used including Tetra Pak cartons and low density polyethylene plastic milk containers but the latest method of packaging is using plastic bags. The co-operative launched eco-pouches aimed at environmentally conscious customers who were trying to reduce the plastic garbage. As the initial response was positive, the milk bag was awarded the ‘Best New Product’ at the 2008 Green Business Awards. However, due to poor demand for the milk bags a lot of milk remained unsold, resulting in losses to the company so they stopped selling milk in eco pouches. While plastic milk cartons were declared to be recycled successfully, estimates suggested only one in four was recycled. It’s now purchased in 1L bags to fit a reusable plastic jug, which must be purchased separately. The jug can fit into any refrigerator door and can store 75 empty eco-packs. Once the bag is placed in the jug, a corner is snipped off with scissors and when the bag is empty it can be recycled. Plastic furniture gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. People realized that it has a lot of advantages over wooden furniture. They are tough and durable, anti corrosive, light weight, maintenance free, and they have a better pleasing appearance. However, Plastic doors are not suitable for entry doors as they are of very light weight and not weather proof as wooden or metal doors are. Cardboard is a heavy paper-like material. There is still not complete and uniform usage. Often the term â€Å"cardboard†is avoided because it does not define any particular material. The first corrugated cardboard box manufactured in the USA was in 1895. By the early 1900s, wooden crates and boxes were being replaced by corrugated paper shipping cartons and these are the well-known cardboard boxes we all know and use today. Plastic bags differ in many ways such that if a consumer only uses a conventional HDPE plastic bag just once (say to carry their groceries home before throwing the bag away), a paper bag would have to be reused 3 times, a heavy-duty plastic bag made from Low-Density Polyethylene would have to be used 4 times, a plastic â€Å"bag-for-life†made of non-woven Polypropylene would have to be used 11 times, and a cotton (or canvas) bag would need to be re-used 131 times. With that as a reference, a cotton/cloth canvas bag user does over twice the damage to the environment that a plastic bag using grocery shopper who throws away every plastic bag they get immediately after each shopping trip, as they will likely have to replace their more environmentally destructive bag at least once long before they reach 131 uses. When companies have conditions such as high volume shipments, worker safety, or ergonomic issues, they may be in good positions to take advantage of the savings by using Reusable Packaging. Reusable Packaging benefits include direct savings in packaging purchase and disposal as a result of repeated reuse. Higher initial purchase price translates into a lower cost per trip through repeated reuse. Other economic benefits can come through productivity gains where reusable packaging better addresses the needs of the work process, such as through design for better parts presentation. Reusable packaging is also associated with better protection of parts and reduced damage. Pyramids made of (natural materials) wooden and fiberglass have been used to understand this energy. Square and octagonal shapes of pyramids with different sizes have been used in this study in an attempt to analyze preservation of milk kept under the pyramids for a period of 14 days. Some of the bacteria that grow in milk were counted by repeated sampling of milk covered by the pyramids and compared with a milk sample kept without a pyramid. Individual bacterial counts and total bacterial plate counts were obtained and the results tabulated. Pyramids made of natural materials have shown better energies than synthetic materials. Pyramids are a source of an unknown form of energy, which has unique capabilities of preservation. Nowadays, the difference between products are getting less and less so competition is getting more and more which forces companies to compete on something other than the product itself. That is when Packaging comes in the picture. If almost all of the products are the same, I, as a consumer, will pick my product depending on how it will benefit me later on. If a glass is reusable, it will most likely be the one I pick.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cell Phone Effects on Youth Essay
In powerful effect paradigm, media has immediate, direct influence and assumes that people are passive and absorb media content uncritically & unconditionally. That paradigm related to Frankfurt school of though. Three theories come under this paradigm; one is Mass society theory, second is Magic bullet theory and third is Critical theory. All that theories based on assumptions, that all theories shows that media has strong impact on audience and a malignant force within the society. Mass society theory: This theory is related to media and Herbert Marcuse presented this idea. It’s a first media theory and also known as â€Å"Grand Theory†. Mass Society Theory is based on various assumptions. Following are the assumptions of Mass Society Theory: 1. The media are a malignant, cancerous force within society and must be purged or totally restructured. 2. Media have the power to reach out and directly influence the minds of average people. 3. Once people’s minds are corrupted by media, all sorts of bad long-term consequences result – not only bringing ruin to individual lives, but also creating social problems on a vast scale 4. Average people are vulnerable to media because they have been cut off and isolated from traditional institutions that previously protected them from manipulation. 5. The social chaos initiated by media will inevitably be resolved by establishment of a totalitarian social order. 6. Mass media inevitably debase higher forms of culture; br ing about generation decline in civilization. Read more: Negative Effects of Smartphones on Youth Limited effect paradigm: Limited effect paradigm idea has been associated with Paul Lazarsfeld and his colleagues. They focused on the media effect is measureable, short term and concluded that the media played a limited role in influencing public opinion. The â€Å"Limited-Effects†Model developed by Lazarsfeld and his colleagues from Columbia was highly influential in the development of media studies. The model claims the mass media has â€Å"limited-effects†on audience. Comparison of Mass Society Theory Assumptions with Limited Effect Paradigm 1. The media are a malignant, cancerous force within society and must be purged or totally restructured. The Functional Analysis Theory rejected this assumption as in this theory media is a healthy organization and has a positive role within the society, and Information Flow Theory also discarded this assumption that all information does not consider valuable and 80% people heard and read soft news so the reaction and the negative effect of media is less. 2. Media have the power to reach out and directly influence the minds of average people. Two step flows discarded this assumption, this theory urges media to be less direct and less powerful effects and people are much more affected by opinion leaders rather than media. As in the Information Flow Theory most news are unnoticed by people so how it can affect average people and also in the Attitude Change Theory, society or people cannot change by media. People changed when they want change or change their self. 3. Once people’s minds are corrupted by media, all sorts of bad long-term consequences result – not only bringing ruin to individual lives, but also creating social problems on a vast scale. Attitudes Change Theory discarded this assumption that changing is a complex process and societal change is a slow process. As in a Cognitive Dissonance Theory, anything which is inconsistence that effect is less. Psychological disorder topics have a less effect on audience. One more theory rejected this assumption Functional Analysis Theory says that media role is positive in the society. 4. Average people are vulnerable to media because they have been cut off and isolated from traditional institutions that previously protected them from manipulation. Reinforcement Theory rejected this assumption it says that media act to reinforcement already held beliefs and idea. Change transpire by family, school, church etc and traditional institution are still there and have strong power to stop the individual an society by manipulation. As in Cognitive Consistency Theory people consciously or unconsciously want to see those channels or programs which are of their interest. Two Step Model also discarded this assumption by opinion leaders are attached with our institutions and in the Attitude Change Theory, in human attitude changing these three variables play focal role, 1.the Communicator, 2.communication, 3.situation. 5. The social chaos initiated by media will inevitably be resolved by establishment of a totalitarian social order. Only Innovation Diffusion Theory prop up that assumption. New idea, information introduced in the society by innovators, to spread any new idea is society has five stages by establishment of totalitarian social order the social chaos can be pave. 6. Mass media inevitably debase higher forms of culture; bring about generation decline in civilization. Cognitive Consistency rejected this assumption people always try to hold their existing beliefs so they do not allow to change their culture and values. As Reinforcement Theory, media acts to reinforce the already held and existing beliefs and ideas. It does not disturb society by creating any change. Conclusion: Mass society theory portrait media role is negative and malignant force within the society but there are many other theories which describes that media role is positive and it is a healthy institution like other social institutions. Change always comes, when people want change or try to change themselves. We negated all these assumption by these imperial studies.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Sexual harassment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sexual harassment - Essay Example The American public figure and the publicist Warren Farrell is convinced, that we already for a long time live in conditions of matriarchy. According to Farrell, women during all the XX century were an exclusive class of the western society, and the feminist - their fighting group - have led struggle on the destruction of the already crushed opponent. Everyone can come to this conclusion that will approach to a question of an equality of sexes, using the system of universal criteria. Since women have received suffrages, they stable, simply by virtue of higher for a long time life, make the majority of the electorate. Especially zealously à ¤Ã °Ã'€Ã'ۈ µÃ »Ã » opposes the myth that women during the centuries were the victims of man's oppression, numerous requirements of fair indemnification are based on what statement in the form of profeminist policy.And for many results of the newest sociological researchers lead in Britain, show that exactly men most often are the victims of violence in the families. What is considered to be sexual harassment in civilized countries? Not only aspiration of the tyrant to the sexual coitus. Not only the threat, at which victim is offered or to obey to sexual requirements, or to suffer the consequences but also and obscene jokes, jokes, hints, indecent touches, - that is any actions unacceptable for the reasonable woman. The woman has the right to keep on the certain standards of behavior at work which should not include sexually directed behavior.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Interrelationship Between Music and Program in Vivaldis Violin Essay
The Interrelationship Between Music and Program in Vivaldis Violin Concerto in F minor, Op. 8, no. 3 Autumn (The Four Seasons) (1725) - Essay Example .The ritornello form used in the â€Å"Autumn†concerto is clear. The tutti section in the first movement outlines the theme and is repeated numerous times in variation throughout the movement. The solo sections embellish on the main theme as well as moving into more free-flowing segments. The Italian Concerto format of three movements (fast, slow, fast) is a basic standard for the period and Vivaldi adheres to that model. Key changes in the Baroque period, from minor to major are made more rapidly than examples of concerti from the latter 18th Century where composers took more time in both tutti and solo sections before shifting to alternate keys. Phrases are often played in forte and repeated in piano; this style is a signature of Vivaldi in many of his concerti. In the Baroque style, often the solo sections of a concerto are accompanied by a simple bass line, or ground bass, perhaps with incidental strings or other instruments and usually harpsichord. Vivaldi follows this convention. The solo violin is left with little background from the orchestra, leaving more room for free flowing play with the theme and variations upon it. The opening to Vivaldi’s concerto is lively and athletic. In four quarter time, it has a quality reminiscent of folk dance. There is a leaping feature to the subject with strongly accenting downbeats. The violin enters, strictly following the theme but turns a portion of the theme upside down. In the next solo section the violin takes a series of leaps and arpeggios as it moves toward a slightly slower and more chromatic subject. Slowing pace in the middle of an allegro movement deviates from the standard form of the day. Vivaldi’s style of composition varies from other composers in that there is less str ictness in the solo sections or adherence to the original theme. Instead, the violin is left to fly through arpeggios and runs adding to the strong rhythms and rich texture of the work. The second movement is slow and simple, using the harpsichord as the main instrument accompanied by quiet strings in chromatic lines and basso continuo. â€Å"Along with the emphasis on a single melody and bass line came the practice of basso continuo, a method of musical notation in which the melody and bass line are written out and the harmonic filler indicated in a type of shorthand.†1 The third movement opens with a vigorous theme, with a strong â€Å"leaping†rhythm in triple time. In the opening solo section, the violin turns the theme upside down in contrast to the tutti and with harshly struck bow work, which adds to the rustic flavour of the music. As in the first movement, ritornello is used to bring the theme back throughout the movement, embellished by the resolute solos of the violin. Again, there is a slowing of the music before one final and triumphant recapitulation of the theme. In context of the poem, Vivaldi’s â€Å"Autumn†accurately describes the verses. From the opening dance of the peasants to the slower paced section in the first movement that describes the â€Å"full liquor of Bacchus†, the music complements the words. As well, the rich texture of the theme and harmonics in major thirds reflects the colors of the season. However, the solo sections break from strict Baroque form by allowing the solo instrument to take more liberty with variation and free form phrasing, within the work. This shift away from the theme allows Vivaldi to â€Å"play†with the images in the poem invoking dance and even the movement of wind in the trees. The second movement reflects the sleeping peasants. The slow, chromatic strings and the quiet harpsichord invoke a clear sense of a calm night. The third movement, with its rousing open ing theme
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Benefits of Having a Good Boss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Benefits of Having a Good Boss - Essay Example A good boss increases productivity and promotes healthy working relationship while a bad boss hampers the growth of a company. The two kinds of boss are similar in terms of their professional roles in an organization. Both have people working under them, possess power over others, work towards the success of the company, and implement rules of the company. In an organization, employees look up to their bosses and make them the role model. Serving as role models, bosses should possess admirable qualities that others may imitate. In particular, the boss should behave according to the mission and goals of the company. He should have ideal professional qualities and imbibe the principles of goodwill, justice, and honesty in his profession. However, personal qualities are as important as professional ones to promote good-working relationship with employees. According to Brusman (2), the way a boss treats people is what differentiates him from others. It is the aspect in which many bosses commit mistakes, thus it is one aspect that easily distinguishes a good boss from a bad one. Another aspect is decision-making strategy. As the superior, a boss holds the highest power in an organization but such power may be equally divided among employees if a boss wishes to. Furthermore, the life goals of a boss differentiate a good one from a bad one. Life goals include those accomplishments that a boss wants to attain for himself, his employees, and organization. Treating employees positively is one of the characteristics of a good boss. Positive treatment of employees may be challenging especially with the presence of tension and pressure from work. Deadlines, work quality, and other factors may affect the way a boss deals and treats his employees, thus they can serve as the real margin to distinguish a good boss from a bad one. Despite pressure, a good boss shows good examples that others imitate while a bad one acts in the dismay of his subordinates. A good boss is friendly and deals nicely with others. He is neither feared nor avoided. Rather, subordinates work freely in his presence. In the morning, employees wait for him to arrive and wish to see him in the meeting to discuss issues that need to be resolved. In contrast, a bad boss terrorizes his employees with his presence alone. Subordinates do not feel comfortable when he is around. They are alarmed by his presence, and sometimes pretend to be busy when the boss is around. Likewise, in a meeting, employees do not wish to see the boss, but they still attend because they are afraid of being scolded at. Moreover, employees talk behind the back of a bad boss. They make fun of him and draw funny caricatures, and laugh at his mistakes. In sum, the friendly boss causes a positive atmosphere in the office while the terror boss brings about a negative climate. Athough the bad boss may decrease cases of absenteeism due to the fear of employees to be reprimanded, he may in turn increase employee turnover be cause subordinates could have a hard time dealing with him. A good boss knows how to sympathize with others while a bad one does not care about others’ feelings. As a leader, a boss acts as the parent of the organization. Therefore, he should be concerned of all employees, eventhough they are not directly under them. As such, he should know show sympathy when they need it. Showing sympathy to others could be as simple as giving condolences to bereaved employees, sending get-well-soon cards, calling up employees to check why they are absent, and so on. Likewise, a good boss knows how to appreciate the efforts of his people. He says â€Å"thank you†for favors done for him, greets people on their birthdays, and celebrates birthdays with them. However, a bad boss lacks all the
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Problem Set 6, 7, and 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Problem Set 6, 7, and 8 - Assignment Example Thus it is a measure of the strength of relationship between the two variables. David states that when the two variables are continuous-level variables, the value is called Pearson correlation coefficient (David, 1997. Pg100). Suppose an economist wants to determine if higher oil prices increase the cost of shipping and the degree of the relation between the two, in this case, his main concern is the cost of shipping and how it is being affected by the changes in the oil prices; of which he wants to determine whether the shipping cost changes depend on the changes in the oil prices. Thus the dependent variable is the shipping cost while the independent variable is the oil prices. This is basically because the shipping cost depends on the oil prices. To answer his question, the economist can go ahead to collect historical data on the same and probably tabulate his results as below: To measure the strength and direction of relationship/association between two variables, Spearman rank-order correlation can be used. It is a nonparametric measure. David notes that before using Spearman rank-order correlation, it is vital to check the validity of the data (David, 1997. Pg230). This is because not all data is qualified to be analyzed by Spearman rank-order correlation. Thus to use the spearman rank-order correlation, data must meet the following prerequisites: Thus I selected this test to analyze the data based on these two conditions that have been met by the data. Suppose football analysts want to find out the order of the teams between two years in English premier league, Spearman rank-order correlation may be an option. The analyst has collected the following data: 1. Predicting unknown values of a variable from the value of several known variables (predictors) is done using multiple regression analysis. For example, we can predict the value of a dependent variable y so long as we are given the value of xi (x1, x2, x3, †¦xn) Suppose an
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Personal Work Environment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personal Work Environment Paper - Essay Example Such studies support experts' claims that communication is indeed "the lifeblood of any organization" (p. 2). Business organizations agree that there are many ways of communicating. These are the channels of communication, or where the communication will take place. Thus, choosing the right channel and the appropriate form for business messages is a communication skill. Channel involves the issue of what should be put in writing and what should be communicated orally. Will messages be communicated by fax Telephone E-mail Face-to-face exchange When communicators agree about the channel, they can avoid misunderstandings. Such misunderstandings may seem trivial, but these can be significant in closer analysis. In the United States, according to business communication guides, efficiency, clarity, conciseness, accuracy, and accountability are the keys to making the right communication channel. For example, a telephone call may be the fastest way to get clarification, but you may need something in writing before you can act. In my opinion, face-to-face meeting is still the "best channel" to use when doing official business communications. ... Presently, business organizations could meet through videoconferencing. This method simulates live, face-to-face interaction, although people attending the "meeting" may be thousands of miles apart. Yet, videoconferencing could not provide the energy provided by participants who shares the space, and there is always the threat of technological glitches (Roebuck 2001, p. 4). In addition, memos, e-mail, networked intranet bulletin boards, printed reports, and other written documents are the most common channels of written communication within companies. Memos, in particular, play different roles in different cultures and organizations. In North American businesses, memos are the standard channel of communication from superiors to subordinates, subordinates to superiors, and employees at the same level. In addition to that, memos can also be written to file or as reminders to oneself. They can be formal or informal in tone. When informal, a memo is a convenient way of communicating information in writing-so there is a record of it-without the weight of a formal document. However, memos at this time are already commonly sent by e-mail (Varner & Beamer, 2004). As a means for sending feedback from employees to management, memos (especially e-mail) excel-at least where feedback is expected by managers. Feedback is not easy for managers to gather if subordinates are not used to giving it. Managers who don't solicit feedback will not receive as much as those who do. Memos may not be the best channel in these situations. Face-to-face exchanges, in which a wide range of nonverbal signals can be sent along with the worded message, may be a better choice. With the advancement of
Friday, October 4, 2019
24 Hour Fitness Essay Example for Free
24 Hour Fitness Essay My first steps into the new 24 Hour Fitness facility were by far the most intimidating. As my eyes scanned over the massive room, my legs began to shake and my nose filled with the smell of sweat. I began to ask myself, â€Å"What am I doing here? †but instead, I walked forward trying to leave my fears of uncertainty behind. I felt extremely uncomfortable, not quiet sure if I was using the machines correctly, wondering if people were staring at me. The sense of indecision slowed me down, even keeping me from trying new machines, not wanting to risk making a foolish error. After about 40 minutes, I called it a success and left. Soon school began and I would find more and more excuses not to go to the gym. As I noticed very little results in physical strength or appearance, I became less willing to keep going, until I stopped completely. It took another year for me to get back into the routine, but this time it changed my life. The first major step I took was setting out a basic program that I would have to follow. It listed specific workout times, meal times, and even set workouts. As I started to go at set times, I noticed the same people at the gym day after day. They began to notice me as well, correcting me on some exercises, and even teaching me new exercises for each muscle group. This is the moment when I really noticed myself fitting in. As my preparation and intensity grew, so did my knowledge in certain muscle groups. I went from working out unsystematically to an organized workout where I could train and focus on two muscle groups every day, one major and one minor. I hit quadriceps/triceps on Monday, traps/back on Tuesday [this paragraph continues with detailed and technical information]†¦I also became fluent in the language and terms used at the gym. Each exercise would be divided into sets, then reps (or repetitions). There are usually ten reps in a set; a typical workout requires three or four sets. The more sets and reps you perform, the more endurance you are building. If you do fewer sets and reps, it is best to add more weight, this time building mass rather than endurance. Along with understanding the terms, you have to learn the names of machines and exercises. People who don’t attend the gym regularly are already aware of common lifts such as †¦. On the other hand, people who work out on a regular basis are also aware of variations on each of those exercises. For example, instead of doing a simple bench press, a fitness guru would practice both incline and decline press, thereby concentrating on different parts of the chest muscle (upper and lower) and achieving a more balanced workout. The hardest part of the workout routine is getting started and keeping it going. People with a competitive nature will find it less of an obstacle, but if you need that extra push, personal trainers and friends can always help you understand the right techniques†¦ You will quickly begin to notice the difference between a regular gym member and the beginners who attend just to say they came. Besides just looking at how toned someone is, you will be able to separate the pretenders from the contenders by their incorrect form, the fact that they wander around and talk to friends more than they actually work out, and the machines they choose to work on. Although the gym consists of many members, the majority of them don’t truly belong. Two people who may have completely different political beliefs, customs, and interests can bond together when they dedicate themselves to the common goals and values of the workout community. Once you enter this group, you are united not by words but by a sense of respect for other members and for the uphill struggles that each of us must face to work toward physical fitness†¦ Working out is comparable to studying in the ways it improves you. Most people put it off as long as they can, procrastinating until they feel it can no longer wait. Studying and working out are both often done incorrectly, giving you very little or no gain. Sometimes, even if performed correctly, it will take awhile before you begin to notice improvement for your efforts. Just like studying, the reward of working out is found in the process itself as much as in the results. Practice may not make perfect, but it will definitely make improvements toward your targeted goal.
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